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Unsere Leistung: Unser Haupttätigkeitsfeld liegt im Verkauf sämtlichen Zubehör für die Stift- und Tampongalvanik, Galvanikanlagen, Galvanik Komplettset, Elektroden, Anodenhüllen, Anodenhalter, Kabel, Klemmen, Galvanikgeräte,...mehr erfahren
Betzmann Galvanik - Real Gold - mit uns zum Erfolg...
Betzmann Galvanik - Real Gold - mit uns zum Erfolg... Denken Sie aber nicht nur an das Beschichtungssystem an sich und die verschiedenen Einsatzbereiche! Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist auch unser...mehr erfahren
MPU Fine is as the name implies; a fine version of our MPU. It is ideal when working on thin flash coatings of gold as it removes the minimum of metal. If further plating is required, just as with Ultra, then all you have to do is wipe well with a clean paper towel and continue plating. As the particle size is no more than the wavelength of visual light, there is no chance of leaving any scratch. The scratch-free property of MPU makes it excellent for polishing very soft surfaces such as gold and silver plate. Even the smallest solid contaminant on a swab or final polishing cloth will produce a scratch in gold and silver. MPU fine polishes these scratches out whilst protecting the properties of the plated layer.
Used for
Fine version of MPU
Working on thin flash coatings of gold as it removes the minimum amount of metal. As with MPU, if further plating is required all you have to do is wipe well with a clean paper towel and continue plating
Particle size of MPU Fine no more than the wavelength of visual light
No chance of leaving a scratch on even the softest of metals, such as gold or silver plate – great also for removing scratches in plastic and glass
Rosegold Solution from Betzmann Galvanik
This Rose Gold Brush/Pen Plating Solution (18 Karat) doesn’t have to be mixed beforehand. It can be used for both brush and pen plating. You can use either the Platinum Electrode (2.5 – 3.0 volts) or the Carbon Electrode (2.0 – 2.5 volts) with this solution.
One of the outstanding qualities of the solution is that it plates very fast compared to other brush plating solutions.
You can compare the plating rates using our online brush plating calculator on the links bar above.
Failure to observe the above precautions will result in the degeneration of the gold component in the solution. This will cause copper-rich plating, which will tarnish quickly.
Please see below for more products related to Rose Gold Brush/Pen Plating Solution (18 Karat).
Recommended electrode: Carbon, Voltage: 3 – 3.5
Gold Concentration
Voltage Range (Platinum Electrode)
2.5 – 3.0 volts*
Voltage Range (Carbon Electrode)
2.0 – 2.5 volts*
Alloy consistency (at mix ratio 1Mixer:10 K-Gold)
75% Gold, 25% Copper
Colour designation
20 – 25 °C
Plating Rate at (3.3 volts, carbon electrode)
Approx. 0.5 microns per minute (max)
Hard: In excess of 250 – 300 Hv
Density of deposit
14.4 g/cm3
Special storage requirements
Away from sunlight
Shelf life
1-2 years (please refer to notes below)
Health and Safety classification
Special considerations
None (cyanide-free)
Transport (UN number)
None: Not classified as dangerous for transport
* The lower voltage range should be applied when using smaller swabs.
Remove any existing layers of rose gold before plating.
Store in hermetically sealed container with lid firmly closed. Small
volumes for day-day use should be stored in a stoppered syringe.
Higher voltages can be used with plating rates in excess of 3 micronsper minute (spot).A lower voltage range is recommended when plating above 1 micron to preventdullness and subsequent polishing.
More gold in the electrolyte means even faster plating, thicker layers with the same working time or more surface area.
Also the purchase of the high speed gold is cheaper, because you buy more gold per liter at a lower price.
Do-it-yourself gold plating has never been easier. Our gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik can be purchased by anyone. So whether it is for use in the highly professional use of laboratories, industry, luxury companies, to the use in the hobby, main or in the side business, companies, schools, universities, TH , IHK or other authorities.
With this extremely fast and very hard depositing gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik, you can usually coat the following metals directly:
Stainless steel of all kinds, surgical steel, copper, silver, brass, nickel, iron, steel,
The pink color of the electrolyte is the hardness additive cobalt. This gives the otherwise much too soft gold an abrasion resistant surface. This is not toxic in the admixed composition.
The gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik is anti-allergenic, was extracted from crisis- and conflict-free gold and is food-safe.
Our Betzmann Galvanik Gold Electrolyte has a very fast deposition and further achieves a very hard gold layer. It has a very good covering effect and is therefore one of the best products on the market worldwide. A special preservative results in a very long shelf life of at least 2 years and prevents sedimentation, which occurs with many other gold electrolytes.
The Gold Electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik can be used for pen electroplating, pad electroplating and also for bath electroplating!
The Gold Electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik is used worldwide, e.g. for the gold plating of boat parts made of brass that are exposed to salt water, medical technology, measurement technology, for optical gold plating, for technical gold plating, gold plating of drive shafts, musical instruments and their parts, both inside and outside, body jewelry, intimate protection, dental jewelry, dental technology, drills of all kinds, shisa, e-cigarettes so-called. Vaporizers, vehicle parts, engine parts, motorcycle parts, airplane interiors, exhaust systems and manifolds, as gold is very heat resistant, sporting goods, diving equipment, keys and pendants, jewelry, chains and rings of all kinds, piston rods, pipes, table feet, bathroom fixtures and many more.
Partial coatings are possible by masking and masking surrounding areas.
To avoid material loss when coating sloping surfaces, we recommend our thickener/gel former. With this you can thicken all electrolytes also chrome remover, cleaner etc..
Also you can use with this gold mostly in the ratio 1:10 our mixer products like rose gold, white gold and green gold!
Optimal results are achieved with the platinum electrode 6mm - 10cm long or the flat platinum electrode, since platinum electrodes can build up very thick layers far above 10 microns and more.
Graphite electrodes can also be used.
Gold content: 12 grams per liter
The procedure for gold plating:
It is recommended to polish the surface to a shine first - the nicer the surface, the nicer the shine will be
Thorough degreasing with the electrocleaner
Activate the surface with the activator
Gilding with platinum electrode starting around 5 volts
Operating Conditions and Deposit Data
Voltage Range
3.0 – 8 volts
14 – 25 °C
Gold Concentration
Platinum or Carbon (see notes)
Gold content in plate
99.9% (balance carbon)
Plating Rate at (3.5 volts, Platinum electrode)
Approx. 0.7 micron per minute (spot)
220 – 230 Hv
Density of deposit
19.0 g/cm3
Medium stress
Special storage requirements
Away from sunlight
Shelf life
1 – 2 years
Hazard statements according to Art. 25 (6) CLP Regulation:
Signalwordt: Warning
H332 Harmful by inhalation.
H312 Harmful in contact with skin.
H302 Harmful if swallowed.
EUH032 Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.
P phrases:
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.
P301 IF INSPECTED:P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.
Our copper electrolyte alkaline for acid-sensitive metals is cyanide-free!
Ideal for bath and tampon - / pin electroplating suitable
50 grams copper / liter
For use on iron and zinc metals
Easy to use and cyanide free
Ideally suited to copperplate even acid-sensitive materials (iron, zinc or steel). For example, copper plating can also be applied to materials that are attacked by the acidic copper electrolyte - for example, rusting steels or other ferrous materials. Copper plating effectively protects workpieces made of iron and steel against rust and gives them an attractive surface thanks to the typical red luster of the precious metal. Because of its good solderability, electroplated copper plating is ideal for the production of printed circuit boards or similar. Simply use the copper electrolyte together with a copper sheet as anode and you can quickly provide a component with a shiny copper coating yourself. The exact instructions for use can be found in our guide here in the download area!
For copper plating of non-acid sensitive materials please use the Betzmann Electroplating Bright Copper Electrolyte.
Alkaline copper electrolyte can be used in bath electroplating as well as in pin electroplating/tampon electroplating. Since it enables electroplating of acid-sensitive metals, it is suitable for many applications. Important properties of alkaline copper electrolyte are excellent leveling and good scattering. This color tone can be further enhanced by an additional coating with our bright copper electrolyte.
Applications for Copper Electrolyte Alkaline
Copper Alkaline prepares acid-sensitive materials for copper plating with acidic copper electrolyte. These include, for example, various ferrous materials or zinc.
A particular advantage is that it does not deposit electrolessly on iron, which would form a loose coating before electrodeposition begins. This increases adhesion to ferrous materials.
Basic copper electrolyte serves as an intermediate layer for acid-sensitive metals before final plating with acid electrolytic copper or other coatings.
Basic copper electrolyte is suitable for the following metals:
Lead, bronze, iron, copper, brass, zinc, tin, steel, zinc die casting and many others.
Basic copper is not suitable for aluminum, chromium and titanium. Aluminum requires pretreatment with aluminum activator
Please test all other metals not mentioned above for their suitability for electroplating before copper plating.
Application instructions for copper electrolyte alkaline
Copper Electrolyte Alkaline is suitable for all electroplating processes from bath electroplating to pin electroplating / pad electroplating. It already works at room temperature; however, it can be heated if necessary. The ideal temperature range is between 25 - 50°C.
Clean the workpiece thoroughly before treatment. Please remove dirt and rust with appropriate tools.
Handle the object only with disposable gloves to avoid transferring skin grease to the surface.
Parameters for the use of copper electrolyte alkaline
Copper anodes are optimal, nickel or tin anodes are also suitable.
Anode on positive pole - Workpiece on negative pole
Recommended electrode: Copper.
Operating Conditions and Deposit Data
Voltage Range
4 volts
Above 15 °C
Copper Concentration
36 g/l
Copper, Carbon or Platinum(see notes)
Copper content in plate
Plating Rate at (3.5 volts, Platinum electrode)
2 microns per minute (spot)
370 Hv
Density of deposit
8.9 g/cm3
Low – medium stress
Special storage requirements
Shelf life
1 – 2 years
Health and Safety classification
Special considerations
Transport (UN number)
None: Not classified as dangerous for transport
We strongly advise against the use of stainless steel anodes for most of our plating processes
Plating rates are calculated over a sample area which is permanently covered by swab.
Copper electrolyte alkaline / basic for acid sensitive materials
The copper gives a beautiful shiny finish. It can still be used with our Bronze-
Mixer can be used to mix different color shades from red gloss to white bronze
to be able. White bronze is increasingly desired and used as a nickel substitute.
Copper electrolyte alkaline for acid sensitive metals
Copper electrolyte alkaline (basic) can be used in both bath electroplating and pen plating / tampon plating. Our alkaline copper electrolyte contains no cyanides.
Since it enables electroplating of acid-sensitive metals, it is suitable for many applications. The important properties of alkaline copper electrolyte are excellent levelling and good dispersion. In addition, alkaline or basic copper impresses with an intensive and visually attractive color tone. An additional coating with our bright copper electrolyte can further enhance this color tone.
Application areas for copper electrolyte alkaline
Copper alkaline prepares acid-sensitive materials for copper plating with acid copper electrolyte. These include various ferrous materials or zinc.
A particular advantage is that it does not deposit on iron without current, which would form a loose coating before galvanic deposition begins. This increases the adhesion on ferrous materials.
Basic copper electrolyte serves as an intermediate layer for acid-sensitive metals before the final coating with acid electrolytic copper or other coatings.
Basic copper electrolyte is suitable for the following metals:
Lead, bronze, iron, copper, brass, zinc, tin, steel, zinc die-cast and many others
Basic copper is not suitable for aluminum, chrome and titanium. Aluminium requires a pretreatment with the aluminium activator
Please test all other metals not mentioned above for their suitability for galvanic copper plating before copper plating
Application notes for copper electrolyte alkaline
Copper electrolyte alkaline is suitable for all electroplating processes from bath plating to pen plating / pad plating. It already works at room temperature; however, it can be heated up if required. The ideal temperature range is between 25 - 50°C.
Clean the workpiece thoroughly before treatment to remove grease and oil. Please remove dirt and rust with appropriate tools. Handle the object with disposable gloves only to avoid transferring skin grease to the surface.
Parameters for the use of copper electrolyte alkaline
Anodes made of copper are optimal, nickel or tin anodes are also suitable.
Anode on positive pole - workpiece on negative pole
Always use gloves and protective goggles and do not inhale the vapors / aerosols. Use only in well ventilated areas!
Identification of the mixture:
Copper electrolyte alkaline
(contains copper sulfate, potassium hydroxide)
Signal word: Danger
H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
P phrases:
P102: Keep out of the reach of children.
P280: Wear protective gloves / clothing / eye protection.
P301 + P330 + P331: IN CASE OF INSPECTION: Rinse out mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P303 + P361 + P353: IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove all contaminated clothing immediately. Wash skin with water/shower.
P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove existing contact lenses if possible. Continue to rinse.
P501: Dispose of contents/container to hazardous waste.
Product information “Silver electrolyte” silver plating - cyanide free! Article description:Betzmann electroplating silver electrolyte - the product properties at a glance:
330 grams of silver per liter - Highly concentrated for fast silver plating
Cyanide-free and safe to use - ideal for jewelry manufacturers and also for hobby usersSuitable for bath and pin electroplatingBuilds up thick silver layers very quickly
Creates shiny silver layers that can be polished to a high shinePlease note that you need both a power supply unit and a bath or pin electroplating system to create abrasion-resistant silver layers on objects.Silver briefly deposits grey and is then gently polished to a shine with a damp microfiber cloth, then the bright white silver appears.
A yellow clouding of the fabric pad during silver plating is normal and decomposes again after a short time. The silver electrolyte is ideal for bath and pin electroplating. With the cyanide-free silver electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik, you can easily electroplate silver yourself! In contrast to the highly toxic silver electrolytes commonly used in industry, the cyanide-free silver electrolyte is safe to handle.The electrolyte deposits robust and attractive layers of fine silver. The silver is deposited brightly and generally no longer needs to be polished.
The electrolyte is ideal for silver-plating jewelry, restorative silver-plating of silver cutlery and galvanic silver-plating of many other objects. Due to the high silver content of 30 grams per liter, the electrolyte deposits silver very quickly - this is particularly advantageous in pin electroplating, as it reduces the working time. Base metals such as zinc or iron should be nickel-plated, copper-plated or silver-plated before silver-plating.
Please note that the silver electrode is the optimum electrode for silver plating!We have corresponding electrodes in our range.
Alternatively, graphite electrodes and platinum electrodes can be used!Voltage: From 2.7 volts!Operating conditions and deposition data Voltage 2 - 3 volts Deposition rate 1 micrometer per minute (spot)Temperature 15 - 25 °C Silver concentration in the solution 30 g/l Electrode Silver, platinum or graphiteSilver content in the plate 99.9% (fine silver) Brightness (L*) of the deposition 90 - 93 (Cielab)Hardness 251 Hv Density of the deposit 10.4 g/cm3Voltage Medium Special storage requirements Protected from sunlightShelf life 1 - 2 years Health and safety classificationIrritant
Special information None (cyanide-free)Transportation (UN number) None: Not classified as dangerous for transportationFurther information: To maintain full shine, polish lightly with Ultra or Ultrafine metal polish or gold polishLabeling according to CLP-VO:Symbol word:Warning! H302 Harmful if swallowedH315 Causes skin irritation.H319 Causes serious eye irritation.P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapor/aerosol.P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionP305 + P351 + P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove any contact lenses if possible. Continue rinsing.
Do-it-yourself gold plating has never been so easy. Our gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik may be purchased by anyone. Whether it is for use in highly professional laboratories, industry, luxury companies, to the use in the hobby, main or secondary trade, companies, schools, universities, TH , IHK or other authorities.
With this extremely fast and very hard depositing gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik, you can usually coat the following metals directly:
Stainless steel of all kinds, surgical steel, copper, silver, brass, nickel, iron, steel,
The pink color of the electrolyte is the hardness additive cobalt. This gives the otherwise much too soft gold an abrasion resistant surface. This is not toxic in the admixed composition.
The gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik is anti-allergenic, was extracted from crisis- and conflict-free gold and is food-safe.
Our Betzmann Galvanik Gold Electrolyte has a very fast deposition and further achieves a very hard gold layer. It has a very good covering effect and is therefore one of the best products on the market worldwide. A special preservative causes a very long shelf life of at least 2 years and prevents sedimentation, as it occurs with many other gold electrolytes.
The gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik is used worldwide, e.g. for the gold plating of boat parts made of brass that are exposed to salt water, medical technology, measurement technology, for optical gold plating, for technical gold plating, gold plating of drive shafts, musical instruments and their parts, both inside and outside, body jewelry, intimate protection, dental jewelry, dental technology, drills of all kinds, shisa, e-cigarettes so-called. Vaporizers, vehicle parts, engine parts, motorcycle parts, airplane interiors, exhaust systems and manifolds, as gold is very heat resistant, sporting goods, diving equipment, keys and pendants, jewelry, chains and rings of all kinds, piston rods, pipes, table feet, bathroom fixtures and many more.
Partial coatings are possible by masking and masking surrounding areas.
To avoid material loss when coating sloping surfaces, we recommend our thickener/gel former. With this you can thicken all electrolytes also chrome remover, cleaner etc..
Also you can use with this gold mostly in the ratio 1:10 our mixer products like rose gold, white gold and green gold!
Optimal results are achieved with the platinum electrode 6mm - 10cm length or the flat platinum electrode, because platinum electrodes can build up very thick layers far over 10 microns and more.
Graphite electrodes can also be used.
Gold content: 8 grams per liter
The procedure for gilding:
Recommended to first polish the surface to a shine - the nicer the surface, the nicer the shine will be
Thorough degreasing with the electrocleaner
Activate the surface with the activator
Gilding with platinum electrode starting around 5 volts
Voltage Range
3.0 – 8 volts
14 – 25 °C
Gold Concentration
8 g/l
Platinum or Carbon (see notes)
Gold content in plate
99.9% (balance carbon)
Plating Rate at (3.5 volts, Platinum electrode)
Approx. 0.7 micron per minute (spot)
220 – 230 Hv
Density of deposit
19.0 g/cm3
Medium stress
Special storage requirements
Away from sunlight
Shelf life
1 – 2 years
Signalword: Warning H-phrases:H332 Harmful by inhalation.H312 Harmful in contact with skin.H302 Harmful if swallowed.EUH032 Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.P phrases:P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.P301 IF INSPECTED:P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.