- Vergoldete Produkte
- Galvanikanlagen - Gold / Chrom
- Elektroden - Anoden
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- Rhodium Weiß + Schwarz
- Rose Gold
- Schwarz Chrom
- Schwarz Nickel
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Weiß Gold
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- Metall Schwärzen
- Chromatierung Gelb + Blau
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White Gold Mixer
White Gold Mixer:
This solution, which is added to K-Gold, allows you to plate hardened white gold.It is completely free of nickel and can be used in all applications where the item is likely to come into contact with skin.White gold, despite its name, is grey in colour. For this reason it is usual to top coat with palladium, rhodium or platinum.White Gold Mixer, in smaller volumes, has a bleaching effect on gold. It can also be used to lighten rose gold forming a light pink colour.
It should be plated at 4 volts using a ratio of 2 parts mixer to 10 parts K-Gold. We highly recommend the plating is carried out at room temperature.
Used for
Completely nickel free
All applications where item may come in contact with skin
Can be used to lighten K-Gold and other gold mixers
For example, creating a ‘white gold’ shade when mixed with K-Gold or creating a ‘blush pink’ shade when added to our Rose Gold Mixer
Content: 0.025 Liter (€960.00* / 1 Liter)