Herzlich Willkomen beim Real Gold Shop von Betzmann Galvanik - das Original!
Selber galvanisieren, speziell Vergolden - Vernickeln - Versilbern - Verchromen uvm. war noch nie so einfach.
Alle Elektrolyte von Betzmann Galvanik dürfen von Jedem erworben werden.
Sei es also zur Verwendung im hochprofessionellen Einsatz von Laboren, der Industrie, Luxusfirmen, bis zur Verwendung im Hobby, Haupt- oder im Nebengewerbe, Firmen, Schulen, Universitäten, TH , IHK oder anderer Behörden.
Hinweis für Firmen und Behörden aller Art, die keine Käufe auf Vorkasse abschließen dürfen:
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Wir führen sämtliches Zubehör für die Stift- Bad Galvanik und Tampon Galvanik, vom perfekten Netzteil, über Kabel, Elektroden bis hin zur Auffangwanne.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich jederzeit bitte per Mail an info@betzmann-galvanik.de
Unsere Leistung: Unser Haupttätigkeitsfeld liegt im Verkauf sämtlichen Zubehör für die Stift- und Tampongalvanik, Galvanikanlagen, Galvanik Komplettset, Elektroden, Anodenhüllen, Anodenhalter, Kabel, Klemmen, Galvanikgeräte,...mehr erfahren
Betzmann Galvanik - Real Gold - mit uns zum Erfolg...
Betzmann Galvanik - Real Gold - mit uns zum Erfolg... Denken Sie aber nicht nur an das Beschichtungssystem an sich und die verschiedenen Einsatzbereiche! Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist auch unser...mehr erfahren
Anode pad / tampon / anode sleeve / fuzzy sleeve / replacement fabric pad puffy from Betzmann Galvanik.
This puffy fabric pad / anode sleeve or also called tampon is absolutely recommended for all plating processes.
Optimally suitable for all coatings and electrolytes.
The coating of larger areas is also quite fast with this pad.
The insertion hole is larger than the electrode and therefore it happens that the moist
anode pad slips off. Therefore, fix the pad on the electrode with a small rubber band.
Electrode Handle:
The electrode handle is is used to hold the various electrodes up to 6mm required throughout the plating process.The Electrode Handle will hold all of our rod-shaped electrodes including the stainless steel electrode, which should be used for chrome stripping and cleaning only, the carbon electrode which can be used for plating all metals and the platinum electrode which can also be used for plating all metals.
Do-it-yourself gold plating has never been so easy. Our gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik may be purchased by anyone. Whether it is for use in highly professional laboratories, industry, luxury companies, to the use in the hobby, main or secondary trade, companies, schools, universities, TH , IHK or other authorities.
With this extremely fast and very hard depositing gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik, you can usually coat the following metals directly:
Stainless steel of all kinds, surgical steel, copper, silver, brass, nickel, iron, steel,
The pink color of the electrolyte is the hardness additive cobalt. This gives the otherwise much too soft gold an abrasion resistant surface. This is not toxic in the admixed composition.
The gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik is anti-allergenic, was extracted from crisis- and conflict-free gold and is food-safe.
Our Betzmann Galvanik Gold Electrolyte has a very fast deposition and further achieves a very hard gold layer. It has a very good covering effect and is therefore one of the best products on the market worldwide. A special preservative causes a very long shelf life of at least 2 years and prevents sedimentation, as it occurs with many other gold electrolytes.
The gold electrolyte from Betzmann Galvanik is used worldwide, e.g. for the gold plating of boat parts made of brass that are exposed to salt water, medical technology, measurement technology, for optical gold plating, for technical gold plating, gold plating of drive shafts, musical instruments and their parts, both inside and outside, body jewelry, intimate protection, dental jewelry, dental technology, drills of all kinds, shisa, e-cigarettes so-called. Vaporizers, vehicle parts, engine parts, motorcycle parts, airplane interiors, exhaust systems and manifolds, as gold is very heat resistant, sporting goods, diving equipment, keys and pendants, jewelry, chains and rings of all kinds, piston rods, pipes, table feet, bathroom fixtures and many more.
Partial coatings are possible by masking and masking surrounding areas.
To avoid material loss when coating sloping surfaces, we recommend our thickener/gel former. With this you can thicken all electrolytes also chrome remover, cleaner etc..
Also you can use with this gold mostly in the ratio 1:10 our mixer products like rose gold, white gold and green gold!
Optimal results are achieved with the platinum electrode 6mm - 10cm length or the flat platinum electrode, because platinum electrodes can build up very thick layers far over 10 microns and more.
Graphite electrodes can also be used.
Gold content: 8 grams per liter
The procedure for gilding:
Recommended to first polish the surface to a shine - the nicer the surface, the nicer the shine will be
Thorough degreasing with the electrocleaner
Activate the surface with the activator
Gilding with platinum electrode starting around 5 volts
Voltage Range
3.0 – 8 volts
14 – 25 °C
Gold Concentration
8 g/l
Platinum or Carbon (see notes)
Gold content in plate
99.9% (balance carbon)
Plating Rate at (3.5 volts, Platinum electrode)
Approx. 0.7 micron per minute (spot)
220 – 230 Hv
Density of deposit
19.0 g/cm3
Medium stress
Special storage requirements
Away from sunlight
Shelf life
1 – 2 years
Signalword: Warning H-phrases:H332 Harmful by inhalation.H312 Harmful in contact with skin.H302 Harmful if swallowed.EUH032 Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.P phrases:P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.P301 IF INSPECTED:P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.